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Disclaimer: This pro­file is made available for general information purpose. The pro­file is accurate as of May 2024. You may visit the transit agency’s website or contact the transit agency’s contact person for the latest information

The Ark-Tex Council of Governments (ATCOG) is a rural transit district authorized by Texas Transportation Code Chapter 458 in 1989 and therefore receives state funding for rural transit services. ATCOG serves the rural areas of Bowie County and all of Cass, Delta, Franklin, Hopkins, Lamar, Morris, Red River, and Titus Counties through its transportation program TRAX. The urbanized area (UZA) in Bowie County is a part of the Texarkana UZA that crosses the state boundary of Texas and Arkansas. The Texarkana Urban Transit District (TUTD), known as T-Line, serves the Texarkana UZA. ATCOG manages T-Line and operates paratransit service for TUTD under an interlocal agreement.

TRAX operates demand-response service for the general public throughout its service area and, local bus and paratransit services in Paris in Lamar County. TRAX has four dispatching offices—the Texarkana office serving Bowie, Cass, and Morris Counties; the Mt. Pleasant office serving Franklin, and Titus Counties; the Paris office serving Delta, Lamar, and Red River Counties; and the Sulphur Springs office serving Hopkins County. TRAX’s regional transportation maintenance facility is located in Mt. Pleasant.

The ATCOG Executive Committee elects five members that the ATCOG Board of Directors approves to form a subcommittee, called the Transportation Committee, to set policies and procedures for TRAX services. The Transportation Committee also governs any major decisions or purchases and settles any complaints or grievances for TRAX.

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Projects in FY2024-2028  

Implementation Fiscal Year Project Name Cost

