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Disclaimer: This pro­file is made available for general information purpose. The pro­file is accurate as of May 2024. You may visit the transit agency’s website or contact the transit agency’s contact person for the latest information

The Brazos Transit District (BTD) is a political subdivision of Texas authorized by Texas Transportation Code Chapter 458 and therefore receives state funds for transit services. BTD has provided public transportation service since 1974. Now, BTD serves as a rural transit district (RTD) for 20 counties in central and eastern Texas, including Angelina, Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Houston, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Montgomery, Nacogdoches, Polk, Robertson, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity, Tyler, Walker, and Washington Counties. BTD also serves as an urban transit district (UTD) for the College Station–Bryan and Conroe–The Woodlands urbanized areas (UZAs).

As an RTD, BTD provides transit services in 16 out of its contracted 20 counties. Counties not served are Jasper, Sabine, San Augustine, Shelby, and Tyler Counties. In the 16 counties served, BTD operates demand-response service in rural areas of all counties except Angelina, Liberty, and Nacogdoches Counties. In Angelina, Liberty, and Nacogdoches Counties, the demand-response service is available in the city limits of Lufkin, Cleveland, and Nacogdoches, respectively. BTD offers fixed-route bus and ADA paratransit services in Cleveland, Dayton, Liberty, Ames, Lufkin, and Nacogdoches.

As a UTD, BTD provides demand-response service for the College Station–Bryan UZA and directly operates fixed-route bus and ADA paratransit services in Bryan and College Station. BTD passes the allocated state funds for the Conroe–The Woodlands UZA to two providers in the UZA: the City of Conroe and The Woodlands Township. The City of Conroe provides fixed-route bus and ADA paratransit services through Conroe Connection Transit. The Woodlands Township provides trolley circulator and ADA paratransit services and contracts with First Class Tours to operate The Woodlands Express connecting to downtown Houston.

Under a contract with the Medical Transportation Management, Inc., BTD provides non-emergency medical transportation to eligible Medicaid clients in the Brazos Valley Region. Greyhound provides private intercity bus service in BTD’s service area, with connections to BTD service.

BTD is governed by a seven-member board. Each board member is elected from defined regions, including College Station and Bryan; Brazos, Liberty, and Montgomery Counties; the Deep East Texas Region; the Central Region; the Southeast Region; and the Brazos Valley. Conroe Connection Transit, a department of the city, is governed by the mayor and city council. The Woodlands Township is governed by a board of directors composed of seven members who are elected by the community.

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Projects in FY2023-2028  

Implementation Fiscal Year Project Name Cost

