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Disclaimer: This pro­file is made available for general information purpose. The pro­file is accurate as of May 2024. You may visit the transit agency’s website or contact the transit agency’s contact person for the latest information

The Fort Bend County Public Transportation Department (Fort Bend Transit or FBT), under Texas Transportation Code Chapter 458, serves as a rural transit district for Fort Bend County and therefore receives state funding for rural transit services. Fort Bend County has a significant area and population that is part of the Houston Urbanized Area (UZA). The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) is the designated recipient of federal 5307 funding for the Houston UZA and shares a portion of this funding with Fort Bend County. With the funds, Fort Bend Transit provides transit services for those areas in Fort Bend County that are part of the Houston UZA. Fort Bend County formed the Public Transportation Department in June 2005.

Fort Bend Transit operates demand-response service throughout the county and commuter service from three park and-ride locations in Fort Bend County connecting passengers to the Greenway Plaza/Galleria Transfer, downtown Houston, and Texas Medical Center areas of Houston.

The governing body of Fort Bend Transit is the Fort Bend County Commissioners Court.


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Projects in FY2024-2028  

Implementation Fiscal Year Project Name Cost

