Disclaimer: This profile is made available for general information purpose. The profile is accurate as of May 2024. You may visit the transit agency’s website or contact the transit agency’s contact person for the latest information
The Heart of Texas Council of Governments (HOTCOG) is a rural transit district (RTD) authorized by Texas Transportation Code Chapter 458 and therefore receives state funding for rural transit services. There is no urbanized area in its service area. HOTCOG provides demand-response service for the general public covering all of Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, and Limestone Counties.
HOTCOG operates the demand-response service. HOTCOG coordinates the demand-response service with other transportation options provided by the Health and Human Services Division, as well as education and workforce agencies in the region. The Amtrak passenger rail line and Greyhound intercity bus lines pass through HOTCOG’s service area.
The HOTCOG Board of Directors governs the RTD. HOTCOG’s 80 member governments have the opportunity to elect, in total, 17 officials to represent themselves. The HOTCOG Regional Transportation Coordinating Council makes recommendations to the HOTCOG Board of Directors and the RTD in an advisory capacity.
Implementation Fiscal Year | Project Name | Cost |