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Disclaimer: This pro­file is made available for general information purpose. The pro­file is accurate as of May 2024. You may visit the transit agency’s website or contact the transit agency’s contact person for the latest information

The McLennan County Rural Transit District (MCRTD) is a rural transit district authorized by Texas Transportation Code Chapter 458 and therefore receives state funding for rural transit services.
Independent from the Heart of Texas Council of Governments, MCRTD began its demand-response service for residents in rural areas of McLennan County on July 1, 2015. Being the adjacent urban transit district and responsible for providing transit services for the Waco urbanized area, Waco Transit is contracted by MCRTD to operate rural transit service through an interlocal agreement.
Greyhound operates private intercity bus service in McLennan County. Customers who use Waco Transit’s rural service can be dropped off in the urbanized area and then, through urban services, connect to the intercity bus service at the Waco Greyhound station. The Amtrak passenger rail line passes through McLennan County and stops at a station in McGregor.

The McLennan County Commissioners Court and the 24 member cities jointly govern MCRTD.

Choose the district's urban-rural classification to review:

Projects in FY2024-2028  

Implementation Fiscal Year Project Name Cost

