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Disclaimer: This pro­file is made available for general information purpose. The pro­file is accurate as of May 2024. You may visit the transit agency’s website or contact the transit agency’s contact person for the latest information

South Plains Community Action Association, Inc. (SPCAA) is a rural transit district authorized by Texas Transportation Code Chapter 458 in 2010 and therefore receives state funding for rural transit services. SPARTAN Transportation, a division of SPCAA, serves rural areas of Lubbock County and all of Bailey, Cochran, Crosby, Dickens, Floyd, Garza, Hale, Hockley, King, Lamb, Lynn, Mitchell, Motley, Scurry, Terry, and Yoakum Counties. The Lubbock urbanized area falls entirely into Lubbock County and is served by City Transit Management Company, Inc. (Citibus).

SPARTAN Transportation operates demand-response service for the general public throughout the service area and commuter bus service (SPC Express) traveling from Lubbock to the South Plains College Reese and Levelland campuses. SPARTAN also operates commuter bus service for employees of Cargill Meat Packing plant living in Plainview and working in Friona. Two buses serve employees of two different shifts at the plant Monday–Friday with some Saturdays. SPARTAN can customize commuter service for companies to serve their employees. SPATRAN also provides Tripper School Transportation for subscribed students attending schools in Brownfield, Levelland, and Littlefield. In addition to directly operated service, SPARTAN purchases transit services from a few non-profit organizations through the 5310 program.

SPARTAN can provide connections to intercity bus service, such as Greyhound in Lubbock as Greyhound’s rural stops in SPARTAN’s service area have been significantly reduced.

SPARTAN Transportation’s administrative and dispatching offices are located in Levelland. Satellite transportation Centers in the rural areas are located in the county seats and/or the largest city of each county. The governing body of SPARTAN Transportation is the SPCAA Board of Directors and the South Plains Rural Transit District Board of Directors.


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Projects in FY2024-2028  

Implementation Fiscal Year Project Name Cost

